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5 Diamond Painting Multi-Placer Tips
07.25.2022 | Peggybuy | Blogs

Whether you’re new to diamond painting or you’ve been doing diamond painting kits for years, using a multi-placer tool can really take your art to the next level. Diamond painting multi-placers are best used for larger projects with big areas of the same color, but you can experiment on smaller pieces as well. The entire purpose of the multi-placer is to help speed up the process and allow you to attach multiple drills to the canvas at one time. In this post, we’ll walk you through how to get the most out of this diamond painting tool to enhance your next masterpiece. Let’s jump right in! 


What Is a Multi-Placer

If you are new to diamond painting, you are probably wondering what a multi-placer is. It might sound complicated, but it’s really just a small diamond painting tool that enables you to adhere more than one diamond drill to your canvas at a time. There are several different types of multi-placer tools, but we will discuss that more later in this post. Multi-placers enable you to complete 5D diamond paintings faster and avoid the tediousness of working on large areas of a single color.

Tips for Using Your Diamond Painting Pen Multi-Placer


Although the average diamond painting pens come without a grip, all Peggybuy kits include a soft, comfort-grip accessory in the tool pouch. Similar to the kind of grip you would put on a pencil, a diamond painting grip allows you greater control over your pen as you place the small, resin diamonds into the exact position necessary. Most people who plan to work on diamond art projects often, will take the time and money to invest in a specialized grip or a premium pen as they also offer additional comfort while working on your projects. When using the multi-placer tool, you’ll want even more control and comfort as it can be a bit more difficult to place three, six or even nine drills at once. At Peggybuy you’ll find a range of gorgeous, premium drill pens that are ergonomically designed so your hand will stay comfortable no matter how many drills you are placing. 

Alternatively, you can make your own grip by wrapping several layers of washi tape around your diamond pen. A DIY grip isn’t quite as comfortable as a grip made specifically for this purpose, but it dresses up your drill pen and adds a bit of cushioning.

Multi-Placer Attachments


The standard tool that comes with every diamond painting kit is a single drill pen, which allows you to place individual drills down one at a time. A multi-placer is a diamond painting tool that can place more than one drill at the same time. Most kits will include a four-multi-placer adaptor so you can try using both types of placers with your pen. There are also several other options when it comes to this accessory. You can choose from a three-placer, six-placer, or nine-placer attachment — each able to place their respective number of drills down at once. Our premium drill pens come with four-placer and seven-placer adaptors so you can make the most of your diamond painting experience!

We recommend investing in all three different sizes of placers to give yourself as many options as possible when working on a project. They are handy diamond painting tools for your collection, and you’re sure to get a lot of use out of them. The nine-placer will allow you to cover very large areas more quickly while the three-placer can help speed up the process on smaller areas of the canvas.


Multi-placers can only be used on specific areas of a canvas where a large grouping of the same color is required. Look for the spots where the same code is visible and begin using the multi-placer tool to fill big blocks of color without having to place each drill individually. Though it can be tempting,  using multi-placers on areas with multiple colors will most likely result in a mistake of some kind. For smaller areas and sections with multiple colors next to each other, we recommend  sticking with a single placer to ensure the best results.

Picking up Diamonds Multi-Placer tool


Using a tray makes diamond painting easier no matter what type of pen you’re using, but it’s particularly advantageous when multi-placers are involved. The tray is able to keep drills in line with the correct side facing upwards. This makes it much easier to pick up and move the drill from the tray to the canvas. Otherwise, you might find yourself individually separating each drill, a time-consuming and tedious endeavor. 

When using multi placers, the tray becomes even more vital. By lining up your drills of the same color, it’s easier to pick up several all at once. Try to line them up with the pen tip as best as you can, but it’s okay if one hangs off to the side a bit. Don’t use too much pressure or the drills will become stuck in the wax. Use just enough pressure to pick up the beads and place them where they belong.


Although the multi-placer for diamond paintings is definitely an important tool to have on hand, it’s not the only one you’ll need. The single placer is essential for areas with fewer blocks of one color and to help straighten out beads after the multi-placer has added them to the canvas. A multi-placer tool isn’t always going to place each drill precisely, so it’s important to go back and press each one down into the canvas with the single head drill to make sure it is perfectly aligned and attached.


To make your crafting experience better than ever, there are lots of great accessories and diamond painting tools you can use,to keep all of your work safe while it’s in progress. Many diamond painters also use light pads, tweezers, compartmentalized storage boxes and other supplies to make crafting easier and more enjoyable. 

Many crafters also have DIY solutions for enhancing their diamond painting experience. You can use washi tape to create a grid on your canvas, make storage containers out of empty medication bottles and more. With just a little bit of creativity, you can come up with all sorts of ways to make your favorite hobby even better. 

Shop High-Quality Diamond Art Kits to Find the Perfect DIY Wall Decor!

Whether you are new to painting with diamonds or have been enjoying this enriching hobby for a while, shopping for high-quality kits is the best way to ensure a smooth experience. Here at Peggybuy, our premium kits contain everything you need to paint with diamonds and create a sparkling masterpiece. We have full drill kits with both round drills that are perfect for beginners and square drills that are best for more experienced crafters. Our round and square diamonds are of the highest quality and match DMC color codes. We also have a wide range of accessories, like premium applicators and multi-placers, to help you take your creations to the next level.

Browse our Peggybuy designs to find your next project and use your multi-placer tool for a more efficient, expertly done final product. Check out the complete collection today to find something new to add to your wishlist!